THE 24th MUFF Awards


Best Film - Vincent - Dir Alan King

Special Jury Prize - LA.4ORCE - Dir Giovanni Zelko

MUFF Courage Award - Assault on Sacred Mountain - Dir Frank Booth

Best Foreign Film - Kiss of Death - Dir Terry McMahon

Best Comedy -  CHAINSAWS WERE SINGING - Dir Sander Maran

Best Horror/Thriller - VAMPIRE ZOMBIES... FROM SPACE! - Dir Michael Stasko

Best Documentary - What is a Woman? - Dir Matt Walsh

Best Screenplay - Giovanni Zelko - LA.4ORCE

Best Actress (tie) - Cindy Giang and Veronica Humphrey - ASSAULT ON SACRED MOUNTAIN 

Best Actor - Alan King - Vincent

Best Supporting Actress - Bobbie Breckenridge - LA.4ORCE

Best Supporting Actor - Chris Masters - ASSAULT ON SACRED MOUNTAIN 

Best Director - Terry McMahon - Kiss of Death

Best Cinematography -  ASSAULT ON SACRED MOUNTAIN - Alain Gratious


Best Short (tie) 

Bloodhunt - Dir Richard Kubli, Dir Michael Kubli 

Hitch Hiking is Safe - Dir Ylia Trotter

Special Jury Prize short - INSUFFERABLE - Dir Stig Wemyss 

Best Int'l short - TERMINAL EMULATOR - Dir Benjamin Capps

Best Director in a short - INSUFFERABLE - Dir Stig Wemyss 

Best Actor in a short - Peter Flaherty - That's Right

Best Actress in a short - Grace Wriggles - PODCASTERS

Best Experimental short - Werewolf Complex - Dir Heather Andrews

Best Documentary short - The Shaver Mystery - Dir Dean Bertram

Best Comedy short - That's Right - Dir Alan Brian Claridge

Best Cinematography in a short - Werewolf Complex

Best Editing in a short - Ignore The Noise - Dir Kyle Jon Shephard

Thank you to all filmmakers and participants! - MUFF Team 2024